Common Causes of 18-Wheeler Accidents 

Common Causes of 18-Wheeler Accidents 

Do you know the most common causes of 18-wheeler accidents? 18-wheeler accidents are responsible for thousands of injuries every year. With so much commercial traffic moving through Louisiana, our Shreveport personal injury lawyers at the Greenwald Law Firm put...
Rear-Ended In A Car Accident? Now What?

Rear-Ended In A Car Accident? Now What?

From fender benders, to high-speed head-on collisions or texting and driving, the scenarios for auto accidents are almost endless today. One of the most common types of collisions is when one vehicle rear-ends another. There is a pretty well-known presumption that...
What can you be entitled to after a car accident?

What can you be entitled to after a car accident?

There are several types of damages you may claim in a personal injury lawsuit if you have been injured in a car accident. Claims for medical expenses are chief among these, but you may also claim damages for lost wages, diminished employment opportunities, and pain...
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