Many people have heard of “posting bail” or someone being “bailed out” of jail, but what does this actually mean? How does bail work? What’s the difference between bail and bail bonds? Understanding Louisiana bail bonds can be tricky, which is why many people turn to...
Any person accused of criminal aiding and abetting assisted someone in committing a crime, one way or another. Generally, these people are not present when the actual crime occurs. However, they knew about the crime before or after it happened and helped the person or...
If you unlawfully take someone else’s property, they have the right to bring criminal charges against you. Although you might think burglary, theft, and robbery are different words for the same crime, Louisiana law defines them as different crimes. The most important...
Although false sexual assault accusations are uncommon, they do happen more frequently than some people would like to believe. If you’re experiencing the nightmare of being falsely accused, you are probably completely unsure of how to prepare and what to expect. In...
Do you need a hit-and-run attorney? Many people believe “hit and run” only applies when a vehicle strikes a pedestrian and doesn’t stop. But the definition of a hit-and-run is much broader than that. A hit-and-run accident could involve intersections between traffic...
Hollywood has certainly misportrayed the way that the criminal justice system actually works. Because of this, many clients have preconceived notions as to how the process will begin, and for the most part, the ideas simply are not realistic. Often times, family...