Head injuries take many forms. They can be as simple as minor bruising and skin lacerations, to a concussion, fractured skull, or traumatic brain injury. Even the most minor of head injuries create lifelong symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and vision problems. More serious head injuries can cause death or permanent disability. Currently, there are over 1.7 million new people that are suffering from a traumatic brain injury. If your head injury is due to someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. The Shreveport personal injury attorneys at Greenwald Law Firm want to help you get the compensation you deserve. Whether it was a head injury at work, or any other type of head injury claim, we are prepared to fight for you. This Head Injury Compensation Claim Guide may help you navigate the process.

What Are Common Causes Of Head Injury?

Car accidents are a leading cause of head injury. But however common car accident injuries are not the only way to sustain these injuries. There are countless scenarios that lead to these often catastrophic injuries.

Another common cause of head injury is slips or falls. To receive head injury compensation for these injuries, the slip or fall must have been due to the negligence of another entity or person. For example, a department store may have forgotten to put up a sign around a ceiling leak that produced a puddle on the floor. If you slipped as a result of this, you would be entitled to recover compensation in a premises liability lawsuit. Or perhaps you work at a construction site and someone forgot to secure a heavy item that fell on your head. A construction accident injury lawyer would be able to advise you on how to receive compensation. Violence or assaults are also common causes of head injuries. If you are hit in the head, you could fall unconscious and sustain serious brain damage.

Head injuries frequently occur from work accidents. Concussion experts estimate that nearly 24% of head injuries are work-related. In most cases, head injuries sustained in the workplace are resolved with workers’ compensation claims.

Finally, sports-related accidents also frequently cause head injuries. Although many sports require helmets, head injuries may still occur. They can be devastating. 

What Are the Types of Head Injuries?

Any type of injury to your skull, scalp, face, or brain constitutes a head injury. They can be as simple as a bump or a bruise. Some brain injuries might be severe enough to cause death. In the same way that injuries can vary, so do the treatments. 

We all know that the brain is one of the most vital organs. This makes it a very delicate region. Brain damage can alter a person’s body and well-being forever. Permanent damage and impairment is common after a severe head injury. 

Some of the more severe types of head injury include: 


  • A break of any sort in the cranial bones are called skull fractures
  • Signs of a skull fracture include:
    • Swelling
    • Tenderness
    • Bruising
    • Bleeding from the nose or ears 


  • A hematoma in the brain causes pressure in the skull and sometimes permanent damage. Blood clots outside the vessels cause hematomas.


  • A concussion occurs when the brain impacts the walls of the skull due to a hard, sudden movement


  • Any type of swelling in the brain is called edema. Your head cannot stretch to accommodate swelling. This causes the brain to press against the bones of the skull, often causing damage.

Intracerebral Hemorrhage

  • A hemorrhage is an escape of blood from a ruptured blood vessel. If it occurs inside the head, it is intracerebral. 

Shear Injury

  • This type of injury is also called a diffuse axonal injury. Shear injuries damage brain cells and prevent the brain from functioning properly. They are often not very apparent or visible. However, they can result in permanent brain damage or even death.

All of these types of head injuries fall into two categories. There can be open or closed head injuries.  Open head injuries occur if something pierces the scalp and breaks into your skull. In most cases, the foreign object also penetrates the brain.  

Closed head injuries tend to be more common. They occur when something hits the head but leaves the skull intact. These are commonly called blunt or non-penetrating head traumas. This includes bruises or brain bleeds. 

No matter what, if you’ve experienced any type of trauma to the head, you must seek medical treatment immediately. Just because a head injury may not seem serious does not mean you are in the clear. A doctor must assess your injuries to rule out any permanent damage. Whether you’ve had a head injury at work or are experiencing headaches after a car accident, in order to receive any type of head injury compensation, you must be able to provide medical documentation.

Can I Sue for a Head Injury at Work?

Yes. Sustaining a head injury at work is common. They often occur as the result of someone or something falling. Car accidents while working also cause work-related head injuries. In order to receive head injury compensation, you will need to file a workers’ compensation claim. 

The most important thing to do first is seek medical attention. Even if it seems like you might be injury-free, brain injuries can be misleading. If you received any kind of blunt force directly to your head or your head was shaken in any way, seek medical attention.  Even if you don’t feel pain, it’s possible you have serious injuries. 

The next most important thing to remember is that you need as much documentation as possible. Keep every single claim form and medical record. We also commonly advise clients to keep a journal. Write down all symptoms or changes you feel. Keep a time log of them. All of this can ensure the insurance company will not be able to deny you the compensation you deserve. 

Finally, after making sure you keep exact records, you will want to find the right legal representation. An experienced Shreveport personal injury lawyer will know the best ways to negotiate with insurance companies and bring a case to trial if necessary. 

In some cases, there might be other parties responsible for your head injury. These could include a contractor, a manufacturer, or a property owner. If this is the case for you, you will need to file a third-party claim. Securing the representation of an experienced personal injury attorney is key to succeeding in this type of claim.

How Much Can I Get for Head Injury Compensation?

When you consider the serious complications of head injuries, it makes sense that this type of claim has a high compensation rate. No matter what, like any case, the amount you receive will depend on many factors. One of these factors includes the legal representation you choose. 

If you have incurred expenses due to medical bills or property damage, this will significantly impact how much you may receive. Losses due to lost earnings or future income resulting from your injury may also be taken into account. In the event that your head injury causes a permanent disability, the chances that your ability to earn income in the future will be diminished.

Many times, we have to give the bad news that these cases take a lot of time. This is because we need to make sure that you have healed as much as possible. If this is the case, it can also mean that your medical expenses won’t stop after the first few treatments. Sometimes, you may need ongoing treatment for the rest of your life. 

Finally, pain and suffering are taken into account. This is hard to quantify. It is not often a cost that you can measure with a number. In the event that your attorney proves you experienced pain and suffering, the judge might double or triple the original amount awarded to you for your head injury compensation claim.

It is impossible to provide anyone with a set amount of possible compensation for their head injury. Every case and every courtroom is different. However, you can look at some of our case results to get an idea of the incredible compensation we’ve secured for our personal injury clients. You may also want to use our Personal Injury Calculator

Choosing the Right Attorney After a Head Injury

Choosing the right attorney to deal with any personal injury claim is extremely important. When dealing with head injuries and head injury at work compensation, it is absolutely vital. The amount of experience your attorney has had with head injury compensation claims will matter a lot. It will impact the amount of compensation you as a victim can receive.  

The attorneys at Greenwald Law Firm have successfully defended nearly every type of personal injury case imaginable. We give actionable, competent legal advice and offer free initial consultations. Call us at 318-219-7867 or contact us online for a free consultation.

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