So you’ve recently suffered a major loss from a fire, theft, auto accident, or some other calamity and you’ve filed an insurance claim, but you’re not sure what your rights are. If you’re worried about trusting your insurance company, you should be.
Your personal financial interests and that of your insurance company are in a natural conflict – You want a maximum payout, and your insurer wants the minimum they can get away with and still leave you satisfied. An insurance claim is a business negotiation, so although you paid good money for coverage and good claim service, you may still have to fight for it. You may also need professional help in that fight.
In order to ensure the fair settlement of a large claim (settlements in excess of $10,000), first, educate yourself by reading the full details of your insurance policy agreement. The first or second page of the policy states the dollar limits apply to each category of coverage and lists the endorsements and riders.
A Shreveport insurance claims attorney like Joey Greenwald can help you understand your complicated agreements and work to get you the respect and claim results that you deserve. If the dispute is only related to the extent or value of property damage, and your insurer is cooperating in trying to resolve the dispute informally – hiring an experienced attorney may not be necessary. If an aggressive attorney contacts your insurer early in the claims process, it may aggravate and prolong a dispute that you might have resolved yourself with a little patience. However, if you are communicating in writing and in person with your insurer and with confidence, polite assertiveness, and insistence on your rights but your insurer is responding well, then you can keep going on your own.
If you feel like you’ve “hit a wall”, are losing patience, feeling frustrated, angry or anxious, or are worried about time passing and/or losing your rights throughout the claims process, then a qualified attorney may be of help. If you live in a state that licenses and regulates public adjusters and there are experienced and reputable ones available in your area, interview both lawyers and public adjusters before deciding which one would be best able to help resolve your particular situation.
Do you need professional help? Do you need a lawyer? Do you need a public adjuster? Can you handle it on your own? Contact an experienced Shreveport attorney at Greenwald Law Firm in for a free evaluation of your case today.