How to Write a Personal Injury Demand Letter

How to Write a Personal Injury Demand Letter

To begin, a personal injury demand letter to the party holding fault (or their insurance company or lawyer) will need to be properly prepared and composed. What’s in the content of the demand letter could significantly affect the compensation you’ll receive for your...
Emotional Distress Damages After Injury

Emotional Distress Damages After Injury

A severe physical injury because of the negligence or recklessness of another person or entity may not be just physically traumatizing. As a severely injured person attempts to recover from physical wounds, they may also experience a multitude of distressing emotions....
Proving Wrongful Death for a Civil Lawsuit

Proving Wrongful Death for a Civil Lawsuit

The loss of a loved one can be devastating, particularly when that loss occurred due to the negligence of another person or people. While no amount of money can heal the wounds a sudden and tragic loss creates, a settlement from a wrongful death lawsuit can, at the...
Louisiana Arraignment Hearings

Louisiana Arraignment Hearings

Hollywood has certainly misportrayed the way that the criminal justice system actually works. Because of this, many clients have preconceived notions as to how the process will begin, and for the most part, the ideas simply are not realistic.  Often times, family...
Should I Hire A Lawyer for Misdemeanor Charges?

Should I Hire A Lawyer for Misdemeanor Charges?

It’s a misconception that misdemeanor charges don’t need to be taken that seriously so you don’t need an attorney to represent you. To save the cost of attorney’s fees, you may think you should simply plead guilty and get it over with. That’s the furthest thing from...
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