A bump, jolt, or blow to the head that doesn’t cause an external wound is too often considered no big deal. Even when a person is knocked unconscious, when they come to and seem fine, it appears there is no reason for concern.
The Silent Epidemic—Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) In Louisiana
But when a person’s head is violently impacted, the brain—an extremely fragile organ—shifts or bounces around inside the skull’s hard interior. When this happens and the brain slams against the skull, it may cause the brain’s blood vessels to rupture and hemorrhage.
When hemorrhage occurs, blood accumulates either in the brain or between the brain and skull causing irreparable damage as it disrupts the life-sustaining intricate network of neurons. In some cases, what can be a “silent injury” causes fatalities.
With no external, visible damage, a traumatic brain injury is not apparent and goes undiagnosed. And victims who desperately need immediate, emergency medical intervention do not appear to be as severely injured as they are and receive no care.
A National Public Health Epidemic
TBI’s are rising nationwide in disproportionally high numbers. In response, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has declared it a major public health issue, calling it a silent epidemic.
According to the CDC’s reports, recent yearly statistics on TBI’s in the United States are estimated to be as follows:
2,213,826 people who sustained a TBI were treated in an emergency room.
52,844 people died because of a TBI.
473,947 children are treated for TBI’s.
However, according to the CDC, these approximate numbers underestimate the occurrence of TBIs. The number of people who did not receive medical care, had physician office visits, received care at a Veterans Affairs hospital, or received care at a federal facility such as those in the U.S. military are not included in the CDC report.
Shockingly, one-third of all injury deaths are caused by TBIs.
Often, because TBI’s—the silent injury—are not diagnosed in time, the damage done to the brain is irreversible and life-altering. In far too many cases, TBIs are fatal.
For more information about The Silent Injury and what you can do if you or a loved one suffered a traumatic brain injury because of the reckless or negligent conduct of another, call attorney Joseph Greenwald, Jr. at 318.219.7867. When you call our Shreveport personal injury lawyers, we’ll schedule a free, no-obligation consultation in our conveniently located Shreveport office to answer your questions and review your needs.